3 वर्ष और उससे अधिक आयु के बच्चे का पूर्ण टिकट(Full ticket for a child aged 3 year and above)
3 वर्ष और उससे अधिक आयु के बच्चे का पूर्ण टिकट(Full ticket for a child aged 3 year and above)

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy and Security

At Jadugar J. Kumar, we are deeply committed to protecting your privacy. The information we collect about you is the very minimum needed to process your orders and to provide you with a more personalized, quick, and convenient shopping experience. There are more details about your privacy at Jadugar J. Kumar below. What kinds of information do we collect and how do we use it? To process your ticket purchase and to notify you of your order status, we need to know your name, e-mail address, credit card number, and expiration date. We make every effort to save you time and make your shopping experience more convenient by using your orders and your stated preferences to make recommendations about the items that might be of interest to you. We are also constantly seeking to improve the layout and operation of Jadugar J. Kumar based on the areas people visit, enjoy, and use most. We may occasionally wish to notify you about important changes to Jadugar J. Kumar, new services, and special offers we think you might find valuable

What about "cookies"?

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer. We added this optional feature to enable you to order more quickly. Cookies are not required in order for you to purchase tickets at Jadugar J. Kumar, however they do enhance the user experience by storing your ZIP Code information to expedite the process of finding the events you want to see in your area. In addition, most Web browsers can automatically store cookies on your computer, but you can usually change your browser to prevent it. We guarantee that whatever you decide about cookies and/or the convenience features we offer, you will always be able to browse and order from Jadugar J. Kumar quickly and easily

Does Jadugar J. Kumar share the information it collects with others?

Jadugar J. Kumar do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to outside parties. If we were to decide to do so with reputable third parties in the future, we would ask you first for your permission to do so. Our only motivation for sharing information with reputable third parties would be to provide you with more and better services and opportunities. Jadugar J. Kumar may provide combined, general statistics about our customers, sales, usage patterns, and related information to reputable third parties, but these statistics will include no personal identifying information


By purchasing tickets at Jadugar J. Kumar, you consent to the collection and use of this information by Jadugar J. Kumar

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Jadugar J. Kumar reserves the right to change or modify this Privacy Policy in its discretion at any time without notice to the users of our site, except that Jadugar J. Kumar will post the changed or modified Privacy Policy on our site as soon as practicable as such changes or modifications are implemented

Accessing, changing or deleting your information

As part of your use of our site, you are responsible for maintaining and updating, as applicable, your account Registration Data with current, accurate and complete information. You may view, update and/or edit the Registration Data you have provided to Jadugar J. Kumar by logging in to your account and following the appropriate instructions

Choices you have regarding the collection, use and distribution of your information

Upon registering on the site, you will be given an opportunity to "opt out" of the Jadugar J. Kumar mailing list by "checking" a box in the registration form. If you submit the registration form without the box checked, you thereby consent to being placed on this mailing list. You may subsequently contact us to request to be removed from this list. In every update that we send, we will include an option to discontinue receipt of future updates. Jadugar J. Kumar reserves the right to limit any registrations on our site to those who will accept our information and to those who will provide the requested information


Once tickets are purchased on Jadugar J. Kumar, there are no refunds or changes available. Please confirm your showtime carefully before purchasing your tickets. Because your seat is guaranteed for the entire showing of a event, we are not able to offer refunds. In the rare situations when a show is cancelled, you will be entitled to a refund for the full purchase price of your tickets including any service charges. In these situations please send an email to info@nilakshinfotech.in and include the Venue, Date, showtime, email address and your confirmation number .

Can I cancel the tickets if wrongly booked?

We suggest the customers to check the booking details before making the payment. Once booked, it cannot be canceled or refunded. The booking is valid only for the viewing of the event at a specified Audi for which it is booked. The booking shall become valueless and non-refundable if not used on the date specified on its face.

Are there any circumstances in which tickets can be canceled.

The booking shall be deemed to be cancelled in the following circumstances:-
⦿ If, in the opinion of a Event representative, the user is in breach of these Online Booking Terms or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or that it is necessary for the safety or comfort or security of other customers or for the protection of property, the Event representative reserves the right to refuse the entry or request the Customer to leave the Audi and may if necessary physically remove the Customer from the Audi or physically restrain the Customer.
⦿ Jadugar J. Kumar is required to abide by and enforce the age restrictions as specified by the Law for the time being in force. In the event that an authorized Event representative is of the opinion that the user does not meet the minimum age requirement and the user cannot provide photographic proof that they are of the required age, Jadugar J. Kumar will not permit entry to that performance or event.

What else you should know about your online privacy

Jadugar J. Kumar may also contain links to other web sites and advertising. The privacy policies of those web sites and advertisers may significantly differ from that of our site, and Jadugar J. Kumar is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites or for the privacy policies and practices of other third parties. It is your responsibility to contact such web site operator or advertiser directly to determine their privacy policy

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Jadugar J. Kumar reserves the right to change or modify this Privacy Policy in its discretion at any time without notice to the users of our site, except that Prakash Magico will post the changed or modified Privacy Policy on our site as soon as practicable as such changes or modifications are implemented


At Jadugar J. Kumar, we respect your privacy and are fundamentally committed to helping to protect it. We use the information we collect responsibly, to make purchasing tickets at Jadugar J. Kumar possible, and to improve your overall experience. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others. We may choose to do so in the future with trustworthy third parties, but only with your permission.